According to an online study done by pingdom.com, there were roughly 90 trillion e-mails sent on the Internet in 2009. With a number like that, it's clear that e-mail has become a very common form of communication in modern times. In the event one finds himself in a position where an e-mail address is needed, there are several useful search engines that can be used to find it.
Panadia People works in conjunction with Email Finder to provide an extensive database of e-mail addresses throughout the United States. It prompts for first name, last name, city, and state, then provides free results that match the queried subject.
The Ultimate Email Directory
The Ultimate Email Directory offers a wide variety of ways to track down that elusive e-mail address. A user can search by address, phone number, name, or use yellow page listing information if relevant to the query. This is a very useful location for those who may have just about every piece of information about someone aside from the e-mail address.
Langerberg People Search
Langerberg.com provides numerous e-mail search engines within the site, offering options like AnyWho white pages, Zoom Info, and social network sites like Facebook and Myspace.
Bigfoot Global E-mail Directory
Bigfoot.com offers numerous top of the line tools for e-mail management. Users just need first name, last name, city and state to begin their search.
Offering yellow page and white page lookups (as well as "reverse" lookups), 411Locate can find an e-mail address for a business or person searching by name, address, or even phone number.
Emailaddress.com offers many tools regarding e-mail directories. For users searching for someone that they already have information on (such as hobbies or interests), there are multiple specialist directories. They also offer tools for people looking to post their e-mail address in a directory so others can find them easier.
This search engine is great for gathering results from a great variety of sites and combining them at one convenient place. It queries its searches in eight large directories and then compiles the findings.
Yahoo! People Search
Yahoo! People Search is a great option for finding an e-mail address (and other information if necessary) with very little information, even as little as just a last name.
With an extensive free directory available to the public, Address.com has many search tools to find an e-mail address, including zip code search. It also features a Business Finder to assist the user in the search of company e-mail addresses.
Something of an all-around site, Infospace features a standard e-mail search engine, but also offers business listings, weather forecasts, and shopping. It is an option for those who want their e-mail search engine to be a little more diverse in its uses.
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Top 10 Free Email Address Search Engines
How to Know When a Guy Loves You
A man in love is a doer, not a talker--whether this means pulling a bunch of wildflowers for you, making you breakfast in bed or putting up with your Aunt Sue when she comes to visit for three weeks. A man in love is not someone you need to spend a lot of time second-guessing: men aren't that complicated.
1. How
to Know When a Guy Loves You
Watch his behavior. Men in love are probably
easier to read than women because they don't spend hours dissecting the
relationship with their buddies. A man in love, out of force of habit, will do
things to show he cares: pull wildflowers from a meadow in Yosemite, get a
tattoo with your name on it, buy your favorite frozen yogurt (extra points for
bringing it to you when you didn't ask for it) and spending time with your
Pay attention to his body language and facial
expressions. If he is scrunched over and scowling, looks bored, is constantly
checking his cell phone or similarly distracted or showing annoyed mannerisms,
then you know he's not in love. You don't really need someone to tell you that.
A man in love should be engaged with you, stare deeply into your eyes (unless he's shy, in which case he will look away, but still be engaged with you), touch you lightly on the arm, shoulder or hair and smile when you smile. A man in love feels your rhythm and mirrors it.
A man in love should be engaged with you, stare deeply into your eyes (unless he's shy, in which case he will look away, but still be engaged with you), touch you lightly on the arm, shoulder or hair and smile when you smile. A man in love feels your rhythm and mirrors it.
Test the waters. It's always best to let the guy
tell you he loves you first, but you can gauge his level of interest with
comments that question his future interest. If you can't get him to commit to a
party you're having a month from now, that's a very bad sign. But if he's
already asking if you like to snow ski, and you just met in the late spring,
this is a keeper.
Feel his touch. A man in love will touch a woman's
face, cradle her chin in his hands or brush a hair from her eye. A man just out
for a romp in the sack won't indulge in tender touches such as these,
especially out of the bedroom. If he has to at least hold your hand or
fingertip in public, he loves you.
Listen to your heart. You'll know if he loves you.
The hardest job we have in life is probably letting go of someone who does not
love us. We all want to be loved so badly that we oftentimes project feelings
and behaviors onto people who don't deserve our adoration. If you are
suffering--calling your friends for information, running over every comment
he's made or crying yourself to sleep--he does not love you.
How to Move On After a Break Up
Break-ups can be difficult and painful, but the important thing to
remember is that a break up is not the end of the world. Sometimes a
break-up can even be a good thing because it will give you a chance to
re-evaluate your life, and maybe even lead you to find someone more
suitable. The truth is, that you can move on after a break-up no matter
how bad it may have been.
Give yourself plenty of time to heal and recuperate. Remember that time heals all wounds. Put away pictures, gifts or any mementos that remind you of your ex. It is natural to experience feelings of denial, but do your best to resist the urge to call your ex and ask to get back together. Immediately after a break-up, you are at your most vulnerable state, so be careful not to get into a rebound relationship that may prove to be a mistake. Avoid some of the pitfalls, such as drowning your sorrows in alcohol, and instead channel all of your energy into positive activities that make you feel good about yourself.
Surround yourself with friends and loved ones. Talk about how you're feeling and allow them to comfort you and offer you advice. A break-up can be a very lonely experience, so surrounding yourself with others you love and trust will help to erase some of the loneliness. Don't try to deal with the experience all by yourself. Go out and meet new people, rebuild old relationships, network and immerse yourself into social situations. Keep yourself busy doing things you enjoy with the people you love, and don't dwell on the past.
Go out and have fun. Don't stay home and sulk, as it will only make you feel more miserable. Round up a group of friends and hit the town. Do something fun and exciting, such as a night of dancing or bar hopping. Plan a weekend beach or camping trip or take a quick out-of-town getaway. Going out with friends will remind you that being single can be just as fun as being in a relationship. It will also help to keep your mind off your ex.
Take some time off for yourself and get away from the world for a while. Use this time to reflect on your life and expectations for the future. Enjoy your time alone with relaxing activities such as reading, taking long baths, watching your favorite movies or engaging in a favorite hobby or pastime. Basically, take this time to do whatever makes you feel the most relaxed and calm. Clear your mind of all negative feelings to help you slowly let go of any lingering bitterness.
Start dating again. After you have given yourself adequate time to get over your last relationship, consider getting back into the dating game. Allow yourself to fall in love again and enjoy the start of a new relationship. Be careful to not rush things and take the time to really let your partner into your life. Take care not to be consumed in this new union, or any other relationship, for that matter--you never know when another break-up may happen.
How to Add Oil to an AC Compressor
Adding oil to an air conditioning compressor must be done with the air conditioning system evacuated by a recovery machine, since it is illegal to release refrigerant into the atmosphere. To be done correctly, every air conditioning system has a specific amount of refrigerant oil determined by the length of hoses for the system. The refrigerant oil is suspended in the Freon and too much oil will clog the components and be detrimental to its operation. If a leak in the system has been located and repaired, such as a loose fitting, a small amount of oil can be introduced into the system with the engine running without harm to the unit.
Hook the reclaimer to the high and low side valves on the air conditioning unit. The high side is the small diameter line and the low side is the large diameter line. Turn the machine power on and open the charging tank.
Open both the red (high side and the blue (low side) valves on the front of the reclaimer. Push the button that says "reclaim." Let it run in this mode until both gauges read "0." Turn the valves off to both high and low side valves and make sure that the gauges read "0."
Remove the high and low lines from the air conditioning unit on the engine. Remove the electrical connector from the air conditioning compressor. Remove the air conditioning drive belt. Remove the air conditioning manifold lines attached to the air compressor. Remove the air conditioning compressor.
Empty the air conditioning compressor of all the oil by holding the open end down while rotating the clutch by hand in the normal direction of rotation. Retrieve the correct amount of oil information from the AC sticker on the car or from a maintenance manual. The next steps must be done in a near sterile fashion. In other words, do not get any foreign sediment in the compressor or it will harm the operation of the system.
Pour the oil very slowly into the intake port or low side of the compressor. This is where the large line entered. While pouring in the refrigerant oil, rotate the hub and clutch slowly to let the oil enter the compressor. If the compressor takes 6 oz. of oil per the instructions, use all 6 oz., but be sure it is nothing but refrigerant oil, as nothing else will work. Once that is completed, lay the compressor down on the hub for 10 minutes to let the oil seep into and lubricate the front seals to prevent leaks on startup.
Install the compressor and spin the hub ten times by hand and install the drive belt. Make sure that the manifold that attaches the lines to the back of the compressor has good o-rings that are totally clean. Attach the manifold and tighten the bolt.
Install the electrical connector on the compressor and reattach the high and low side hoses from the reclaimer. Open both valves on the reclaimer and hit the button for "vacuum." When the reclaimer asks how long, enter "30 minutes" and hit the "start" button.
Close both of the valves after the vacuum pump shuts off and watch the gauges to see if there is a leak. The gauges should be showing about 30 inches of mercury. If the gauges drop, there is a leak. Open the valves on the low and high side and hit the button for "charge." Look at the car's AC tag--all cars have a tag stating how much Freon the unit holds--and punch in the amount in the window of the reclaimer. Now hit the "charge" button and let it charge the lines. When the panel says that the charge is complete, shut both valves off on the reclaimer and remove the lines from the air conditioning unit, then install the caps on the valves.
How Much Does it Cost to Paint a Car?
The Process
A good paint job for a car requires extensive preparation, pricey materials and specialized skills. For this reason, the first factor in the price of painting a car will be the quality of work and the amount of time a garage puts into the job. First, the vehicle will be washed, the original paints will be sanded down and the chrome and windows will be covered. After the preparation has been completed, a colorless primer is applied to add longevity to the paint. Next, the colored paint will be applied using spray guns, followed by transparent protective covering. Different garages may treat each stage differently. Some may run through preparation quickly, while others will take the time to do detailed work. The quality of work depends on what a consumer is willing to pay.
Besides the cost of labor, several materials are included in the cost of painting a car. Someone who decides to paint his own car should expect to purchase some specialized tools such as a spray gun and covers for windows and chrome. Those who go to a garage will still be paying for primer, paint and the clear coatings. Because several layers of each paint are required, a full set of decent materials fall in the range of $1,000 to $1,500. But like everything else, these prices can change dramatically based upon quality. Top-of-the-line paints can cost well more than $5,000, while the lowest tiers can be found for only a few hundred dollars. Some colors, especially reds, can also cost more. The size of a vehicle should also be taken into consideration because more or less material will be required, depending on body size.
Labor costs vary greatly in different areas and based upon the quality of work. While quick paint jobs can be found for under $500, preparation is usually nonexistent and the application of paint tends to be uneven and sloppy. Most garages will complete the entire process from preparation to finish for $2,000 to $3,000 in labor. But once again, the prices can vary based on quality. The cost of labor will also rise and fall with the size of a vehicle, largely because of the preparation process. Many garages include minor body work such as the removal of scratches and small dents during a paint job. Upper end labor costs can reach $50,000 or more, but these prices tend to be reserved for different types of specialized work.
Final Prices
With the combination of labor and materials, a typical paint job will be in the range of $3,000 to $4,500. The quality of labor, the size of a vehicle and the type of materials are the most important variables in deciding the price, and extremes exist in both directions. A poor paint job can cost as little as $800, while the absolute best can top $75,000. Those who decide to paint their own car can save thousands of dollars in labor, but they should expect to spend extra on a spray gun, sandpaper, covering for the windows and chrome. Paint can also cost more to an individual consumer, and the investment of time can be substantial to the inexperienced.
Those who are interested in painting their own car should be warned that improper preparation can create lasting damage on their vehicle. Not only that, but the improper application of paint can create uneven surfaces and ugly blemishes. Problems caused by poor preparation and uneven painting are especially visible with darker coats of paint. Skimping on any step can cause a vehicle's paint to prematurely peel or fade. Anyone without any experience or guidance in painting a car should strongly consider a consultation with a professional. Consumers must decide if the risk of damaging their vehicle and the time put into their own labor are worth more than the cost of professional work.
How Much Does it Cost for a Wheel Alignment?
your vehicle in optimum condition is good for the environment and your
pocketbook. Many drivers are good at getting their scheduled oil
changes, but others overlook something just as important, even when
confronted by clear performance evidence. Getting periodic wheel
alignments is a straightforward process and one that's surprisingly
affordable, considering the value it brings to a vehicle's smooth
operation. Rather than repeatedly replacing worn tires, an alignment may
be a better option.
Alignment Cost
Alignments come in one of two forms: two-wheel and four-wheel alignments. Two-wheel, or front-end alignments, usually cost between $40 and $65, while four-wheel are $50 to $95 as of 2009. Costs vary depending on the shop doing the work and the equipment it uses. Alignments are primarily labor only jobs, so local market conditions dictate the price. Most repair shops run periodic specials or have coupons to help keep prices reasonable. Vans and some four-wheel-drive vehicles sometimes incur extra costs, so be sure to inquire about pricing before having work done.
Alignment Considerations
When a vehicle's tires are out of alignment, the tires wear more and unevenly, control suffers and fuel economy is reduced. Tires are often forced out of alignment after accidentally striking curbs, parking blocks, road debris and potholes. Once the tire is out of alignment, its orientation to the center-line of the vehicle is off-center. This may not always be visible to the eye, but the effects on driving will be unavoidable.
Misalignment Signs
Although not always visible, indicators can show an alignment is necessary. Excessive tire wear is the major visible proof of need, but it can also be detected if the vehicle pulls to the left or right, has pronounced vibration or shimmy, or if the steering wheel is not centered when moving straight ahead. Most manufacturers suggest an alignment at 10,000 miles.
Additional Pricing Detail
Alignment cost often includes tire rotation to promote even tire wear. It may be tempting to only have a two-wheel alignment, but if the car is severely out of alignment, the back tires may degrade faster. Some establishments offer a warranty on alignments, and some also give lifetime alignments and rotations with the purchase of new tires.
Wheel alignment is important to the life and good health of any vehicle. Spending time and money to keep wheels in proper alignment now will save hundreds of dollars later by improving fuel economy and reducing the number of new tires needed over the life of the vehicle.
Easy Exercises to Lose Belly & Chest Fat for Men
is never too late or too early to start trimming down by losing fat. By
having too much fat around your belly and chest you put yourself at a
greater risk for health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease.
You burn body fat over the entirety of your body in a pattern according
to your genetic predisposition. However, you can find easy exercises to
lose belly and chest fat for men. In men, it is the belly and chest that
holds most of the fat, so when you begin to lose fat, most of it will
come from these areas.
Focus on
muscle building as well as cardiovascular exercises. While you should focus on
working your chest and stomach muscles, you should also continue to work all
the muscles of your body. By increasing your muscle mass over the entirety of
your body, you increase your metabolism, which means your body burns more
calories throughout the day. For cardiovascular exercise, running is the best
type of exercise to melt away fat. If you have lower back or knee problems, you
can also walk or ride a bike. Do at least 30 to 45 minutes of nonstop cardio
exercises three to five times per week.
crunches to build and tone your abdominal muscles. Lay with your back on the
floor, bend your knees while keeping you feet flat on the floor and then fold
your arms across your chest. Slowly raise your upper body toward your knees
lifting your shoulders about six to eight inches off the ground. Hold at the
top for one second and then slowly lower your shoulders back to the floor.
Perform three to four sets of 20 to 25 repetitions three times per week.
leg raises to tighten up the lower areas of you belly. Leg raises focus on your
lower abdominal muscles. Lay on your back with your legs stretched out but
knees slightly bent. With your hands at your side, slowly raise both legs off
the ground about eight to ten inches. Hold for one second and then slowly lower
your legs until your feet touch the ground. Perform three to four sets of 20 to
25 repetitions three times per week.
regular push-ups to help tone your chest and belly. Push-ups are a great
exercise to help build muscle in the middle chest, shoulders and arms. While in
the push-up position your abdominal muscles remain contracted, giving them a
static muscular workout. To perform, lower yourself onto your knees, place your
hands flat on the floor shoulder-width apart. Then straighten your legs with
your weight on your hands and toes. From this position, slowly bend your elbows
and lower your body down, keeping your back straight, until you are about one
inch from the floor. Pause for one second and then push yourself back up to the
starting position. Perform as many repetitions as possible for three to four
sets twice per week.
standing push-ups to help tighten up your lower chest muscles. These are easier
to perform than regular push-ups and should be done after the regular push-ups.
Find a sturdy counter in your home that is at least waist high. Take two to
three steps back to a point where you can lean forward and place your hands
shoulder width apart on the counter and support your body weight. With your
back flat, slowly lower your body until the lower part of your chest touches
the counter edge. Pause for one second and then push yourself back up to the
starting position. Perform 20 to 25 repetitions for three to four sets twice
per week.
Normal Pulse Rates for Women
Normal Pulse Rates for Women
A pulse is the measurement of how many times your heart beats per minute. The normal pulse for a healthy adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. A number of factors determine where your pulse should range. First, women over 13 generally have a higher pulse than do men. Factors--such as age, weight and how active a person is--all change the range in which your pulse should be. Everyone is slightly different; It is always wise to contact your doctor before starting an exercise program and to check what heart rate is right for you.
Pulse Rates At Rest
At rest, a woman's pulse should always be lower. A normal pulse for a woman not currently involved in a strenuous activity is between 60 to 70 beats per minute. It is not uncommon for a woman's pulse to be slightly higher or lower depending on other factors.
Pulse Rates While Exercising
While you exercise, your heart rate (pulse) should be elevated. A healthy, regularly active adult should have a pulse between 90 to 120 beats per minute while involved in an exercise. Contact a doctor if your pulse ever spikes dramatically while exercising.
Right Pulse Rate For Your Age
A woman's age also plays a role in what their proper pulse rate should be. A younger woman will generally have a higher heart rate while at rest and during exercise. An older woman's heart rate will be lower. However, health problems and the level of activity participated in will change these rates.
Right Pulse Rate For Your Weight
Women of extremely different weights are going to have very different pulse rates. A heavier woman's pulse rate will be higher at rest and while active than a lighter woman. A woman who is considered overweight may see significantly elevated heart rates while at rest. A doctor can determine your proper pulse rates and prescribe a suitable workout regiment consistent with all other variables.
How to Get Six-Pack Abs in Two Weeks
the anatomy of the abdominal muscles. Your abs are located in the midsection of
your body. They are made up of the transverse abdominus, rectus abdominus,
internal obliques and external obliques. The transverse abdominus is a deep
muscle. It wraps around the entire abdominal area and helps to stabilize the
trunk. The internal and external obliques are located along the sides of the
rectus abdominus, and assist the body with lateral, or bending and twisting,
movements. On top of the transverse abdominus and in between the obliques is
the rectus abdominus. It is divided into right and left sides and is in
sections. It is a well-toned rectus abdominus that creates that six-pack look.
well-toned abs is not just important for appearance: Strong abdominal muscles
help you maintain better posture and balance, and prevent back pain and injury.
Your abdominal muscles are the core of your body. If your center is strong, it
will support you as you move through daily activities and recreation.
common misconceptions. Performing situps is not the only requirement for
obtaining flat or defined abdominal muscles. While doing exercises targeted to
the abdominal muscles can make them stronger, you cannot spot reduce. It is
also important to do a variety of movements. Since the abdominal muscles are
large, you cannot effectively train the entire muscle or create that six-pack
look by doing just one exercise. You must have a routine that takes your
abdominal muscles through a variety of movements to fully sculpt and train
Also, to
develop that six-pack look you must be within a healthy weight range and have a
low percentage of body fat. Your body fat needs to be at 10 percent or lower
for men, and at 15 percent or lower for women. So unless you fall into this
category, six-pack abs are out of reach. There are many home scales that will
measure your percentage of body fat, and many health clubs and gyms offer this
service. If you purchase a home model, make sure you follow the directions
exactly to get accurate results. These scales are not 100 percent accurate, but
they will give you a basic measurement, and you can use them to track your progress.
addition, with any form of strength training, results are usually not seen for
four to eight weeks, depending on the intensity of your training routine.
If you are
at the required body fat percentage and you have been working out regularly for
some time, and you are doing a well-rounded abdominal workout, you may be able
to see some definition happening in two weeks. Otherwise, there are steps you
need to follow to develop that six-pack look. It takes time and effort to get
Reach a healthy weight and body fat
composition. If you are not currently within the required percentage of body
fat, you first need to shed those extra pounds. That means controlling your
food intake and getting regular cardiovascular exercise for 40 to 45 minutes at
least five days per week. This can include using equipment like a treadmill,
elliptical machine or bike, or participating in activities like swimming,
running or aerobic-exercise classes. It is not recommended that you lose
anymore than 2 lbs. per week unless you are under the supervision of a doctor.
Weight loss greater than this is not healthy, and shocks the body. Losing
weight slowly allows the body to adjust, and the weight tends to stay off.
Losing weight is hard, and it is difficult to do it alone. Joining a gym or
working out with friends or coworkers makes you more likely to stick with it.
There are also programs like Weight Watchers that can guide and support you in
reaching your weight-loss goals in a healthy, effective and safe manner.
Perform crunches. Typical abdominal
crunches should be included in your routine. They can be done on the floor, a
weight bench, a physioball or a machine. However, you do not need equipment to
get six-pack abs. If you have some weights, a Physio Ball and a basic weight
bench, you can get the abs you always wanted. If you are new to exercise, start
with a basic crunch like the one shown in the video in the Resources section.
This is a very safe and effective exercise.
Many people complain about neck pain
when first attempting to do crunches. It is not the exercise that is the
problem; it is because they are doing the exercise incorrectly. You must keep
your abdominal muscles engaged and your back flat against the floor. You want
to keep the elbows back and open, and not pull on the head or neck to come up.
It is common to see people clasp their hands behind the head and then bring the
elbows together as they lift up. This will create neck pain, and will actually
prohibit you from effectively isolating and shaping the abdominal muscles. This
is especially true if your abdominal muscles are weak. Weak abdominal muscles
cannot lift you up, and many times, people pull themselves up, which stresses
the neck.
For a more advanced version, try
this exercise with a weight resting on your chest, or on a bench where you can
do decline sit ups, as in the photo shown here. The higher the incline, the
more difficult the exercise. If you are really advanced, you can do this
exercise with a weight as well.
Incorporate reverse crunches,
another exercise that is necessary to obtaining a sculpted set of abs. As with
the regular crunch, you can do this exercise on a declined bench or with a
Physio Ball to make it more challenging. You can do the exercise while holding
a Physio Ball between your ankles to make the exercise even harder. Try passing
the ball to your hands, and lower both the arms and legs toward the floor at
the same time. Then bring them back up and pass the ball back to your feet.
Lower both arms and legs again. You need to keep your back flat on the floor
and the abdominal muscles contracted to protect your back from injury.
Add some oblique exercises. The last
part of your six-pack ab routine should include twisting movements to target
the obliques. The photo here shows a good basic exercise. You can work your
oblique muscles by lying on your back as shown here, lying on your side and
lifting up, twisting while standing and sitting, or lying on an inclined bench
. As with all of the above exercises, you can add weights and a Physio Ball to
take them to the next level.
Limit the number of repetitions. You
do not need to do hundreds of ab exercises to get six-pack abs. You need a
variety of exercises like the ones described above, done properly. If you are really
working your abs hard, you only need to do two to three sets of each exercise
for 12 to 20 repetitions per set. If you feel that you need to do a lot of
crunches, this usually means the exercise you are doing is not hard enough, or
you are doing it improperly. The more repetitions you do, the more likely you
are just using momentum and poor form. If an exercise is effective, as you do a
set, you should really be feeling it after 12 to 20 repetitions.
Work with an experienced trainer. If
you are new to exercise, working with trainer or taking a class can help get
you started. The trainer can make sure you are doing the exercise properly, and
can help you add variety to your routine. Since getting those six-pack abs is
hard work, it may be tough to stay motivated and on track. Having to meet your
trainer or show up for a class can help you establish a regular routine and get
the results you are hoping for.
Tips & Warnings
- Always start slowly and pay attention to how your body is responding to the exercise.
- Be patient; changing the shape of your body takes time and consistency.
- You should never feel back or neck pain with abdominal exercises.
- Work with a trainer or take a class if you are feeling discomfort in the neck or back.
- Stop any exercise that causes pain or makes your symptoms worse.
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